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Please take the following trouble shooting steps if you are experiencing any internet related issues.
Check cables are plugged in correctly:
Locate your POE. This is a small black or white box with a single light on it. The light should be on and not flashing or flickering. If there is no light, check your power. If it is flashing or flickering let us know. Next, be sure that the cables are plugged into the POE and secure in their designated spots as follows:
1.) The cable that connects to the dish outside is BLACK and should be plugged into the port labeled POE.
2.) The other cable could be any color and should be plugged into the port labeled LAN and run from there to the back of your router into a port labeled INTERNET or WAN. Typically this is the port on the far left of the row or the port on the very bottom of the column depending on which router you have.
Power Cycling your Router:
Most internet issues can be resolved by power cycling your router. To do this, simply unplug the power from the outlet or back of the router, wait for about 60 seconds, then plug it back in. If you have multiple routers do this for all of them starting with the “main” router. Give the router a few minutes to boot back up and reconnect to your devices. Check to see if your issue has been resolved. If it has not, please continue.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT ever use a paper clip to reset your router! Doing this resets the device back to factory defaults and requires it to be set back up. If we provided the router, we will handle this for you. If you use your own router, follow the manufacturer instructions for setting the router back up.
Power Cycling your Modem:
The modem is part of the dish attached to your property outside and is power cycled by unplugging the POE. The POE is the small black or white box with a single light on it. Simply unplug the 3 prong plug from the wall, wait a true 60 seconds, then plug it back in. Give the modem time to re-establish a connection to the tower and then check to see if your issue have been resolved.
If all of the above steps have been taken and you still are experiencing issues, let us know and we will take further steps to investigate the issue and/or schedule a dispatch to your location for on-site trouble shooting. If we dispatch to your site and the issue found is not related to trouble on our network & internet service, you will be billed a one time charge of $60.00 for the on-site visit.
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